Sunday, July 22, 2012

It Is What It Is

Dear Friend, Have you ever heard the quote,"don't take yourself too seriously"? I love this quote, because it exemplifies exactly how we should treat ourselves. Some days you need to remember to be human, to have a little fun, laugh, and play. Norman Vincent Peale said that the, "imagination is the true magic carpet". Yes, we are always looking for the magic to happen in our lives, without just taking a moment to look within ourselves. Some days all hell does break loose, but drink a tall glass of chill. Calm down, everything works out, don't break yourself to the point that you lose all sense of humor in life just because everything is falling apart. Yes, I know I sound looney, but if I am going to lose everything, then why not at least not keep my smile? After all it's free. ~With Love, Lady

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