Sunday, July 29, 2012

Take Some Time

Dear Friend, With all that's going on in the world around us, we know that life is short."All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field,the grass withers and the flowers fall," (1 Peter 1:24, NIV). There are too many days that we take for granted the time we have. It's valuable, and precious. Moments are so precious that we can never gain them back. That's why it's important to appreciate the time you spend with those around you, because you truly never know. Another point I'd like to make is that you take time with yourself. Get to know who you are, and find out what you enjoy doing the most. Because if life really is short, then why not live it doing something I love? A close friend of mine always asks me if I am doing well, and I love to reply...yes I am fine, I'm alive. In turn my friend will say, yes you are alive but are you living? There is a fine line between living and learn to live. ~With Love, Lady

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