Thursday, September 29, 2011


To my dear,

Hello friend, I have one thing to say to you today...STOP FREAKING OUT!!! There have been too many times when I have let life get the best of me. Some situations aren't even that serious, however we blow them out of proportion. People please have portion control over how much stress you intake. Honestly, some have justified reason to say, I live and breathe stress. However, I rather live and breathe life. Constantly, we cry over spilled milk instead of just moving on. Trust me, I should know!! Yet, the events that occur should be taken more as a life lesson than a tragedy. Preserve that energy for later, when something serious really does take place. The energy you lose on nothing, can be utilized for creating the better life in which you seek.

"Rescue me from this insanity,
I'm taking a mental hiatus,
for I just need to breathe"

~ With Love Lady

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