Saturday, June 30, 2012

Willing For A Change

Dear Friend, Do you ever see yourself doing the things in which you are fully capable of doing? Yes or no? Alot of us walk around not truly fulfilling the call that was placed on hearts. Everyone of us has our own unique gifts and talents, each to use for a specific reason. Being that you are alive and not dead you have the opportunity to do more than those bones drying up in the grave! Yet, it depends...are you willing? The Psalms says grant me a "willing spirit, to sustain me". What use is the ability to take action, when you are not "willing" to move? The change in which we seek can only happen when we are willing to allow it. To be willing, means that you are ready to let go of what was in the past, for what is in the present. Are you ready to accept the truth, whatever that truth may be and move forward? Being willing means that you are "willing", and ready to move beyond your darkest hour. Once you open your eyes and acknowledge the truth you can actually focus on climbing your mountains. To be willing is all it takes to move leaps and bounds!! With Love, ~Lady

Through and Through

Dear Friend, Some days there will be nothing you can do to change what you are going through. At times in this life, we just have to go through it. Yet, remember to be grateful that you are at least going through it, because some didn't make it to the other side. ~Lady V.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Pressure Boiling!

Dear Friend, How's it going? Yes, trust me I know that life can get a little heavy at times. Everywhere I turn someone is struggling with high blood pressure, strokes, heart attacks and so forth! It's hot outside so people forget to take more care of their bodies, and the bills are piled high so people are stressed beyond measure! At times life can become a little too much to handle. Yet, understand you have to see yourself excelling forward despite it all! Use that pressure as gasoline for your life! Use the passion and motivation within you as a spiritual engine to push you towards your future! With Love, ~Lady

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Where's the Path?

Dear Friend,

 I haven't spoken to you in a while! I've been actually I've been lost. I've been lost trying to decide what's right, what's wrong, and which directions to take. When I was growing up my mother would say that one day I'd understand that the road isn't easy. Well I understand. Despite these bumps, and sometimes mountains I also understand that it takes faith to keep moving. There are many days when nothing goes as planned, but that doesn't mean you stop in the middle of the road and give up. So in my bout of self-discovery I will keep seeking answers while taking this journey day by day.

With Love,
