Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ready For What's Next

Dear Friend,

I have one question for you...are you ready? Are you prepared mentally for what is about to happen next in your life ? We say that we want change. We say that we desire a transformation in our lives that goes beyond anything from our past. That's what we say. Yet, are you preparing your life for something new ? I was at work the other day, organizing my clientele binder and organizing some product from the back when I realized, this is something we have to do on a daily basis. Within any retail store, you will organize the stock and make way for new product. My question is are you able to organize your own life and make way for the next shipment that's headed your way? You can't desire change, and not be willing to clean up your current mess. There's some tidying that needs to be done, and I'm ready to do it.

~ With Love, Lady

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Push Me

Dear Friend,

Hello, how are you? Yes, I know that it has been tough these last few months of the year. With so much to complete before the start of a new year, the pressure is up...and unlike all of the times before it feels like it's up ten times higher, am I right ? Well, that's because it is higher. Imagine change as a bomb exploding. When the bomb explodes, the entire area reaches it's peak overpressure...causing a shockwave to be released, thus whatever structure or person around to feel the "force", behind that impact. In other words, the change that is heading towards you is building pressure in your life, ready to blast everything that once existed, away. Trust me, this is not going to be an easy feat for you to endure, but the newness that will result in it all, will be worth every bit of trouble. Let your pressure push you towards a higher future.

~With Love, Lady