Monday, January 23, 2012

Mission Drift

Hey Friend!!

Hello, I know that I have been away for a while now! With everything that has come my way, sometimes I find it hard to stay focused on what's important!! This is what a business would call...mission drift. My advice to you and to myself is to not allow distractions to get in your way this year!! In life any distraction will harm your dreams in the same way that stress will harm a pregnancy; by causing a miscarriage. Distractions will stop your goals from growing because you will be to sidetracked too focus on the needed progression in your life. Instead of focusing on the "mission", you will be immersed in day to day drama, allowing yourself and your mind to wander off into solving problems that have nothing to do with achieving your goals. Please friend you need to take you vitamins, eat your veggies, drink eight 8 oz. glasses of water daily, and keep stress to a minimum!! Don't end up on bed rest with your feet in the air on the brink of losing your child a.k.a. your destiny because you drifted off into chaos!!

~With Love, V

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