Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Toss It Overboard

Dear Friend,

Now that our year is coming to a close I begin look back I see that there was a beautiful mix of both good and bad. So my friend I would like to know what is it that you are going to leave behind? We carry so much dead-weight around whether it is broken ties, useless relationships, or bad habits; this weight keeps us staggering along our journey. Why walk around with so many anchors holding you in that stifled position. Honey I rather not be stuck at sea, hoping for a miracle to rescue me. I am sending you an S.O.S it's time to toss the weight overboard!!! There is no need for relationships that aren't moving anywhere. Furthermore, there is no need for us to continue habits that only leave our mind and heart shattered. Most importantly, if you do want to move forward, then make sure to travel light. You can't go everywhere holding on to everything and everyone. Please take some time out to consider the things that are most important to you right now, and for all the rest...it's time to toss it!!

~With Love, LadyV

Monday, December 19, 2011

Who Are You Around ?

Dear Friend,

If you are not careful you can let some people drive you absolutely insane. Honestly, these people aren't worth our time or peace of mind, yet we allow their loud obnoxious voices to torment our thoughts. Why? A lot of times it's because these "tormentors" are the ones closest to us. They are the same ones whom we love the most and innocently believe that they do not intend to harm us. Yes, we always want to believe that everyone we know wishes us the best, however they do not.

Therefore, we develop these excuse for how they are as human beings and why they treat us the way they do. Oh my favorite is the classic.."but they have been through so much in life", however believe me friend when I say, that there isn't any excuse for putting up with nonsense. At a certain point I honestly believe that these series of "stupid events", become cases of self-inflicted abuse. Although our "tormentors" are the ones with so much to say, we are their enablers. We consistently place ourselves in their presence with the expectations of them changing. Yet, they never do...they remain the same. Are the people you involve in your life really worth your time ? Rather they be loved ones, friends, coworkers, bosses, or anything that would normally be of importance to you...are they important enough to place your mental peace in jeopardy ?

~With Love,

Lady V

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Grinch Stole....Your Happiness

Dear Friend,

Oh my it has been a while since the last time I wrote you a letter. With the holiday season finally here, it has been nothing but busy for me. Normally one would think that people would be a little more happy this time of year, but that's not the case. I have seen more anger this time of year than all of the rest. It's really a sad shame and waste of time. Forget the Grinch Stole Christmas cartoon favorite this year, somehow the Grinch stole your happiness. Well, I really need for you to go and get it back!! In the words of Elizabeth Gilbert, "Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it". Well, I may not be traveling right now to find that peace or happiness we all search for, but I can look within myself, and find reason to be happy. Honestly, there is something you can be grateful for, despite any circumstance.

With Love,

Lady V.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Ready For What's Next

Dear Friend,

I have one question for you...are you ready? Are you prepared mentally for what is about to happen next in your life ? We say that we want change. We say that we desire a transformation in our lives that goes beyond anything from our past. That's what we say. Yet, are you preparing your life for something new ? I was at work the other day, organizing my clientele binder and organizing some product from the back when I realized, this is something we have to do on a daily basis. Within any retail store, you will organize the stock and make way for new product. My question is are you able to organize your own life and make way for the next shipment that's headed your way? You can't desire change, and not be willing to clean up your current mess. There's some tidying that needs to be done, and I'm ready to do it.

~ With Love, Lady

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Push Me

Dear Friend,

Hello, how are you? Yes, I know that it has been tough these last few months of the year. With so much to complete before the start of a new year, the pressure is up...and unlike all of the times before it feels like it's up ten times higher, am I right ? Well, that's because it is higher. Imagine change as a bomb exploding. When the bomb explodes, the entire area reaches it's peak overpressure...causing a shockwave to be released, thus whatever structure or person around to feel the "force", behind that impact. In other words, the change that is heading towards you is building pressure in your life, ready to blast everything that once existed, away. Trust me, this is not going to be an easy feat for you to endure, but the newness that will result in it all, will be worth every bit of trouble. Let your pressure push you towards a higher future.

~With Love, Lady

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Calm Your Mind

Dear Friend,

How has everything been going for you lately? Are you still spending your days thinking about the next one? I have been reading Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert and in part two she is traveling through India where she stays at an Ashram ( a religious retreat or community) , in order to become a better yogi/human being. On her stay in the Ashram, Elizabeth practices mediation every single day, around 5 a.m. However, she is struggling with one factor...her mind. Yes, in order to properly meditate one would need to remain calm, within and outside of themselves. Unfortunately, she can not stop her mind from wandering and racing throughout her meditation times. We all struggle with our minds on a daily basis. In the bible there is a verse found in Romans 8:7 that states "the sinful mind is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's love, nor can it do so". This I believe to be true. Our minds can be very hostile territories, causing us to fear instead of fly, hide instead of fight. We are the ones who claim to be in control of our thoughts and perceptions however most of the time we are not. Most of the time we allow our own minds to talk us out of amazing possibilities, by speaking doubt to ourselves. We are the ones who sit up all night wandering how life should be, without making any actual moves to change the situation. (Keep in mind, that at 3 a.m., unless there's a serious crisis, the only thing you need to change is your sleeping pattern, jk). So my friend, I have made it my personal goal to gain more control over my own mind. They say that the mind is a terrible thing to waste, and it truly is. Therefore, I will focus on taking everyday one day at a time. The steps you take today, will create your tomorrow, so store up some energy.

~ With Love, Lady

Thursday, October 20, 2011

It's Crowded In Here

Dear Friend,

How have you been lately? I found a quote that I really accepted as profound. Steve Jobs ( God bless his family), once stated, "Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice". On numerous occasions we don't follow our heart because we are too busy listening to the partial opinion of others. You live and you learn. Too many times you will doubt yourself and what you are truly capable of because of another voice that supersedes your own. If you don't go see for yourself then how will you ever know, what could have been?

I'm just saying.....

~ Love Lady, Muah!!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


It's so easy to get in a relationship now. Everyone is looking for that special someone. Honestly, I do believe that people should have someone very important in their lives, who genuinely loves them. Tell me this, what happens when that special someone whom you thought was your best friend, becomes your worst enemy? This month is October, the national awareness month for Domestic Violence. Sadly, this is the reality for a lot of women and even men around the world. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, over 1.3 million partners are involved in domestic assaults, while 85% percent of the victims are women. In the most shocking way they have awaken from a fairytale dream to a living nightmare. Understand that when a relationship becomes unbalanced and unhealthy, it is time to exit out of the door, before the situation escalates into a more dangerous situation. Truly all that glitters is not gold.

I was vulnerable to his touch.
Enticed through the eyes of lust.
Yet, the moment he transformed on me,
Was the moment I lost my vulnerability.

The ability to be sensitive to my own needs.
The hate takes away ones desire to feel.
If I didn’t feel anything, then I would be okay.

In him I thought I could find true love,
But there is nothing more real than the moment your body is thrown in the ring, with no protection, no gloves.

Who wants to leave themselves open,
To the possibility of another scar.
The scars damaged my body as well as my soul.

I learned to shut myself in,
Because I was coming out, but going too far.

I’d given up on myself,
By letting another take full control.

Yes, control equals power,
The sweet nectar that enemies crave.
Powerful enough to dig your grave.
From personal lover, to personal hater.
I left him because I could do better.

Now it’s just me.
And I struggle daily as I try to remember what it feels like to love me.

How can I possibly love anyone else, when I’ve lost the perception on how to love myself?
How can I become one with anyone else if I’m not one with myself?

I was vulnerable to his touch.
Enticed through the eyes of lust.
Yet, the moment he transformed on me,
Was the moment I lost my vulnerability.

My ability to be sensitive and truthful to my own needs.
There’s nothing wrong or selfish about the love of self.
I know thyself, that I might know thee.
Just a few words on Augustine.

Yet, I have transformed once more,
now morphing into the true character of my personality.
I have found strength to touch the wounds that still bleed.

The wisdom to know what balm to use, in order for the bruises to heal.
I have the discernment to realize what’s real.

I am sensual, and I am human.
That’s real.
I am spiritual, and intellectual.
That’s real.

A real man will find it in his heart to love, to heal, and not to harm.
Now that’s real.
Please don’t judge, because I have already done that enough.
There are people who feel what I feel,
And that goes beyond real.

I was vulnerable to his touch.
Enticed through the eyes of lust.
Yet, the moment he transformed on me,
Was the moment I lost my vulnerability.

Time has shown that I must be vulnerable.
Vulnerable enough to remain true to myself,
And never again lose me to someone else.

~With Love, Lady

Friday, October 7, 2011


Dear Friend,

I was sitting in my room listening to the rain, when my mind clicked!!! WAKE UP!!! Life doesn't wait on anyone. So many days we lay in our beds dreaming about the possibilities yet, never taking the chances to truly seek what could happen if we just....step out!! I woke up today, and I felt a stir in my spirit. Yes, I woke up with that sick and tired feeling that only leads to one thing...change. So no I am not going to wait on life to change itself, I am going to change it!! Here's where my head is right now. I firmly believe that faith without actions is dead. We say we have faith and say we believe that God will do something, yet we don't do anything to prove that belief. What are you doing to prove your faith?


Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Hello Friend,

Hello, how are you? I have a question for you. Well being that I am young I have a lot of questions. Today I would like to know why do people make it hard for others to survive in a world that rarely wants to see you at your best? Maybe, I am just being super sensitive, but my question remains. Times are already hard, yet there are those constant naysayers that just have to inject their poison into everyone. These people make it almost impossible to get through the day. I am not saying that all hope is lost, because I rather be alive than dead. What I am saying is how does one overcome the doubters? My personal answer is to simply not listen. Yes, we have to go about our day with our ears and eyes open, but sometimes you have to close your heart to anything and everything that isn't good for your spirit. There are people that want to see you upset. They would respect you more if they could see the hell you have been through written on your face. However, I don't need you to know that I have been to hell and back. No, I don't need you to feel as if I have had personal meetings with the devil himself when you look at me. When you look at me I want you too see that I overcame every obstacle that was placed in my way and that I am still overcoming. No matter what we still have to be grateful for our quiet Hell because for someone else it could actually be Heaven. Yes, friend there are some things about life that I will never understand, but I do understand that those people who seek to hurt those around them are the ones who need the most love. Even when they are making it nearly impossible.

With love,


Thursday, September 29, 2011

Who is She?

She found her fun underneath his tongue.
Relief from life through the release of his life.

Nobody ever held the gun to her head,
Yet she freely crawled into his bed.

Modern Day Magdalene, a veil covered in shame.
Living day to day in the shadows,
you can see the regret from miles away.

Yet, if you look beyond the hard shell that is her skin.
There lies beauty you wouldn't have imagined.
A woman who's love has been misplaced.

A woman who has been wooed by men with handsome faces.
Faces of men who can make a woman's heart race.
She skipped a beat and fell into the heat.

Now the stain on her heart is like the one on her sheets.
Going from man to man, again and again. Man to man.
Committing the same old sin.
Sin against her own worth, attempting to block out the hurt.

Modern day Magdalene, a veil covered in
Living day to day in the
You can see the regret from miles away.
Yet, if you look beyond the hard shell that is her skin.
There lies a beauty that you wouldn't have imagined.
A woman who's love has been

This is something old that I wrote a while back, and decided to post. I wonder if this will make a good read ?

A Slice of Life